[Click on above picture to enlarge]
I believe that training is a waste of time if it does not
create some permanent change in the trainee. The sad truth is that, a lot of
the training courses do not achieve this. Usually, some impression of the
learning remains in the trainee’s mind for a while after the course, and then
it fades away. [That is, the change in the trainee’s mind is only temporary].
I like to use an analogy from materials science to
illustrate the concept of temporary change and permanent change.
If a steel rod is bent slightly and then let go, it will
regain its original orientation completely. This kind of deformation is called
elastic deformation. However, if the same steel rod is bent to a very large
extent, then it will not fully regain its original shape even after it is let
go. This type of deformation is called plastic deformation.
In the same way, if the training session is moderately
effective, it will probably create some temporary change in the trainee’s mind.
The change is likely to undo itself as time passes. However, if the training
session is rigourous and impactful enough, the trainee will walk away a changed
person. Even the passage of time cannot take away the effect of the change. It
is as though the trainee’s mental computer chip has been reprogrammed. A training session that brings about this kind of permanent
change is truly effective.
Great leaders like Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and
Gandhi had the ability to create permanent change in the minds and lives of
people in the course of a single speech. They achieved this kind of change by
the force of their personality and the strength of their conviction. It is not
reasonable to expect every trainer to be as effective as these leaders.
However, all trainers can adopt a few strategies to make the training “stick” –
i.e. create permanent change.
My personal strategies to make training stick (i.e capable
of creating permanent change):
- Don’t overload trainees with information.
Identify a few key learning points and repeat them over and over, instead of
dumping a lot of information. It is better to have a few learning points firmly
entrenched in the minds of the trainees rather than providing a lot of learning
points with none of them being remembered.
- Create a very conducive learning environment in
the training session and eliminate distractions.
- Identify if the training is really needed for the
trainees. Will they be sufficiently motivated to learn ? Will it make their
life better ? Or their jobs easier ? If not, the training session is better
avoided. Training that does not cause permanent change is a major waste of
- Try to follow up with the trainees a few times
after the training session to reinforce the learning. Provide trainees
opportunities to apply the learning.
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